Rediscover Play

Improvised Performing Arts

Improv is performing arts
made for everyone.

It's accessible by virtue of using no equipment (props) or preparation (scripts), both of which deplete finite resources not everyone can put into their hobby.

There is no pressure to perform.

Sounds wild? That's because it is. Scenes can be anything you want them to be, with only a few exceptions. Neither do they need to be particularly funny or meaningful. Playing is the priority.

Nervous? No need to be.

Warm-up and framing provide safety to open up and express yourself in this well-meaning environment.

Why you can do it

Yes, you.

There are simple rules which are prominently visible throughout a session. Primary guidelines are short and memorable, all prefaced by a normative instinct most people living in a capitalist society have adopted. This builds bridges, synapses, in our brains. You will go “ah, my brain led me here, let's do this other—more fun—thing instead!”

All of these guidelines can be applied in some way or another to everyday social interactions. This is why improv can be especially helpful for folks who want to improve their mental well-being. We're in a safe play room. You came here for a reason, remember? Use the space!

new improvised performing arts group
in Charlottenburg starting August 2023

also instructing a bimonthly improv course
with Andreas Schult in German and English

open for group requests

Rediscover Play

Improvised Performing Arts




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